0 Preface
1 Introduction
2 Basic Concepts and Conventions
Page Format
File Format
Level Structure of DISLIN
Error Messages
Programming in C
Programming in C++
Programming in Fortran 90/95
Linking Programs
Utility Programs
WWW Home Page
Printed Manual
Reporting Bugs
License Information
3 Introductory Routines
Initialization and Termination
Plotting of Text and Numbers
Plotting Symbols
Plotting a Page Border, Background and Header
Sending a Metafile to a Device
Including Metafiles into a Graphics
4 Plotting Axis Systems and Titles
Plotting Axis Systems
Termination of Axis Systems
Plotting Titles
Plotting Grid Lines
Plotting Additional Labels
Secondary Axes
Calculating Axis Parameters
5 Plotting Curves
Plotting Curves
Plotting Legends
Curve Fitting
Plotting Shaded Areas between Curves
Plotting Error Bars
Vector Fields
6 Parameter Setting Routines
Basic Routines
Resetting Parameters
Changing the Plot Units
Modifying the Origin
File Format Control
Page Control
Error Handling
Viewpoint Control
Axis Systems
Modifying the Type
Modifying the Position and Size
Axis Scaling
Modifying Ticks
Modifying Labels
Modifying Axis Titles
Suppressing Axis Parts
Modifying Clipping
Framing Axis Systems
Setting Colours
Axis System Titles
Changing the Foreground Colour
Modifying Colour Tables
Utility Routines for Colours
Text and Numbers
Indices and Exponents
Instruction Alphabet
TeX Instructions for Mathematical Formulas
Enabling TeX Mode and TeX Options
Exponents and Indices
Sums and Integrals
Greek Letters
Mathematical Symbols
Alternate Alphabets
Function Names
Lines and Symbols above and below Formulas
Horizontal Spacing
Selecting Character Size in TeX Mode
Automatic Sizing of Bracket Symbols
Manual Sizing of Bracket Symbols
Colours in TeX Mode
Curve Attributes
Vector Fields
Line Attributes
Attribute Cycles
Base Transformations
Shielded Regions
7 Parameter Requesting Routines
8 Elementary Plot Routines
Filled Triangles
Wind Speed Symbols
Geometric Figures
9 Utility Routines
Transforming Coordinates
String Arithmetic
Number Arithmetic
Date Routines
Bit Manipulation
Byte Swapping
Binary I/O
Window Terminals
Clearing the Screen
Clearing the Output Buffer
Multiple Windows
Cursor Routines
Elementary Image Routines
Using Threads
Reading FITS Files
Plotting the new MPS Logo
10 Business Graphics
Bar Graphs
Pie Charts
11 3-D Colour Graphics
Plotting Coloured Axis Systems
Secondary Colour Bars
Plotting Data Points
Parameter Setting Routines
Elementary Plot Routines
Conversion of Coordinates
12 3-D Graphics
Defining View Properties
Plotting Axis Systems
Plotting a Border around the 3-D Box
Plotting Grids
Plotting Curves
Plotting Vector Fields
Plotting a Surface Grid from a Function
Plotting a Surface Grid from a Matrix
Plotting a Shaded Surface Grid from a Matrix
Plotting a Shaded Surface Grid from a Parametric Function
Plotting a Shaded Surface from Triangulated Data
Plotting Isosurfaces
Plotting 3-D Bars
Plotting 3-D Contours
Parameter Setting Routines
Surfaces from Randomly Distributed Points
Projection of 2-D-Graphics into 3-D Space
Using the Z-Buffer
Elementary Plot Routines
Export of 3-D Objects to the PLY Polygon File Format
Transformation of Coordinates
13 Geographical Projections and Plotting Maps
Axis Systems and Secondary Axes
Defining the Projection
Plotting Maps
Plotting Data Points
Parameter Setting Routines
Conversion of Coordinates
User-defined Projections
14 Contouring
Plotting Contours
Plotting Filled Contours
Generating Contours
Parameter Setting Routines
15 Widget Routines
Widget Routines
Parameter Setting Routines
Requesting Routines
Utility Routines
Dialog Routines
16 Quick Plots
Plotting Curves
Scatter Plots
Bar Graphs
Pie Charts
3-D Colour Plots
Surface Plots
Contour Plots
Setting Parameters for Quick Plots
A Short Description of Routines
B Examples
Demonstration of CURVE
Polar Plots
Logarithmic Scaling
Interpolation Methods
Line Styles
Shading Patterns (AREAF)
Shading Patterns (PIEGRF)
3-D Bar Graph / 3-D Pie Chart
Surface Plot (SURFUN)
Map Plot
D Index