Support for OpenBSD 64-bit
A new DISLIN distribution for OpenBSD 64-bit is available in the download section for Unix. The distribution is created on an OpenBSD 7.6 64-bit system with GNU gcc 11.2, but is also compatible to the clang compiler. Pre-compiled modules for Perl 5.38.2, Python 3.11.10 and Java 21 are included. The distribution can be downloaded here.17-January-2025
Pre-compiled modules for Python version 3.13 are added to the DISLIN distributions for Python and Windows.8-January-2025
A copy of the PDF manual for the current DISLIN version 11.5.2 is available. It is included in a support contract, or can be ordered separately here.8-April-2024
DISLIN is updated to version 11.5.2. The following changes are applied:
- The new routine PSMETA can write additional meta information to PostScript files.
- The option 'HOURS' in TICMOD enables minor ticks for hours in date labels.
- The possible number of user labels defined with MYLAB is increased from 50 to 100.
- The new routine MAPDIR defines a search directory for map files.
- Pre-compiled modules for Python version 3.12 are added to the DISLIN Windows distributions for Python.
- Two new distributions support now native programming with DISLIN on macOS systems with Intel and Arm processors.
- Some small bugs are fixed such as typing errors in the routine GETLAB and in the Fortran wrapper routine for TPRMOD. Missing borders for Kosovo, Montenegro and Cyprus are added. Thanks to all DISLIN users for the bug reports.
Pre-compiled modules for Python version 3.11 are added to the DISLIN distributions for Python and Windows. p> 22-July-2023 A bug in the routine setxid was reported for the Linux distributions. There was an index error in setxid introduced with version 11.5.1, so that a wrong widget was selected for graphical output. The bug is fixed. All Linux, Unix and Mac OSX distributions of DISLIN were updated. Other distributions of DISLIN are not affected.15-May-2023
A reported bug for the routines wgbut and wgbox in the DISLIN C++ libraries on Windows is fixed. The C++ libraries in the DISLIN distributions for Windows were updated.25-April-2023
The DISLIN libraries are updated to version 11.5.1 with the following changes:
- a bilinear interpolation for rectangles is now used in the routine CRVQDR. Before that a bilinear interpolation of two triangles was done, which was incorrect.
- The routine TTFONT for reading a TrueType font has wrongly switched to a DISLIN vector font for plotting Greek and Cyrillic characters. The bug is fixed.
- A typing error in the name of the Fortran wrapper routine for FITSSTR was reported and corrected.
- The TeX keyword \diameter is added for plotting a diameter symbol.
Donate Button
A donate button is added to the DISLIN site for supporting the maintenance and further development of the software. The button below takes you to a PayPal donation page.
Support for Linux 64-bit on IBM z series
The new DISLIN distribution dislin-11.5.s390x.tar.gz supports programming on IBM z series with Linux 64-bit systems. Many thanks to Dave Jones, who has compiled the libraries and utilities in the distribution on a IBM z15 mainframe with Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit).28-September-2022
Support for MingW 64-bit UCRT runtime environment
The DISLIN distribution for MingW 64-bit supports now the UCRT runtime environment. The new libraries dismgu.a, dismgu_d.a and discppu.a are added to the distribution. They are created with gcc 12.2.0 of the Msys2 tools for UCRT (package: mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc).15-March-2022
DISLIN version 11.5 is released with the following changes:
- The new option SWGOPT (COPT, 'FILE') enables or disables a text field created by WGFIL for the selected file name. COPT can have the values 'FIELD' (default) and 'NOFIELD'.
- The Python modules in the DISLIN distributions for Python and Windows are updated. The supported Python versions are now 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 (32- and 64-bit).
- The supported Perl modules in the DISLIN distributions for Perl and Windows are updated to Perl versions 5.20.x, 5.22.x, 5.30.x and 5.32.x (32- and 64-bit).
- The Ruby versions 1.9, 2.7 and 3.1 are supported now by DISLIN for Windows (32-bit).
- All Go versions greater or equal 1.13 are supported by DISLIN (32- and 64-bit).
- DISLIN can be used from the Julia programming language between Julia version 0.7 and the current version 1.7.2 (32- and 64-bit).
- The programming language R is supported by DISLIN for R versions greater or equal 3.2.1 (32- and 64-bit).
- The DISLIN libraries for Linux are now compiled on CentOS 3.9 systems (32- and 64-bit) with gcc 4.8.5. The RPM packages were also created on these systems while the DEB packages were generated on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ESM support.
DISLIN version 11.4 is released with some new features and bug fixes:
- The Windows Enhanced Metafile format EMF is supported by DISLIN. EMF files can be created with the keyword 'EMF' in the routine METAFL. EMF is a 32-bit extension of the WMF format. DISLIN stores plot vectors as pixels in EMF files with the origin in the upper left corner.
- The new option SWGOPT (file, 'BACKGROUND') sets an image as background for main widgets, where the parameter 'file' should contain the name of a BMP file. If the image is smaller than the size of the main widget, the image will be duplicated. Otherwise, it will be clipped.
- A reported access violation in the routine LEGEND is fixed. The crash was caused by trying to plot a symbol lying outside of the page.
- The file dislin.f90 was missing in the distribution for Intel Fortran. Thanks to Ahron Fegelman for the hint.
- The install names of the DISLIN libraries are changed for MAC OSX. The environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is no longer needed, if DISLIN is installed in the directory /usr/local/dislin. Anthony Bratt has suggested the change.
- A bug in the interpretation of the Mapgen format for plotting external maps is corrected. The bug was caused by a source code change in DISLIN.
- The routine GOTHIC was missing in the Fortran wrapper routines. Thanks to Dr. Richard Patzak for the hint.
- A missing call to DISINI in the quickplot routine QPLSUR was reported by Andi Zuend. The bug is corrected.
Support for Free Pascal 64-bit on Windows
- The new DISLIN distribution is added for supporting Free Pascal 64-bit on Windows.
DISLIN upgrade 11.3.3 is available:
- Legends can be plotted in table form with multiple columns if the new option 'TABLE' is specified in the routine LEGTYP. The number of columns and the plot direction of legend entries can be defined with the routine LEGTBL.
- Some more attributes are added to LEGVAL for modifying the appearance of legends.
- TIFF files organized in tiles can now be included in DISLIN. Tiles are a TIFF extension and were not recognized by DISLIN until yet.
- CRVMAT supports mesh lines defined with SURMSH.
- The static libraries in the DISLIN distributions for Linux and FreeBSD are now compiled with the -fPIC option, so that they can be linked into shareable objects.
- Python 3.8 is supported by the DISLIN distributions for Windows.
- A reported crash in the routine TRIANG should be fixed. The crash was caused by a rounding error.
- A bug in the Perl wrapper routine for TRIANG is corrected.
- The background option for Smith charts was not working. The bug is fixed.
Dr. Scott Best from SiberSci, LLC, has published the paper 'A General-Purpose Scientific and Engineering Plotting Library that Includes Smith Charts' before a few days. The paper describes how Smith Charts can be created with DISLIN. A copy of the paper is available in the Downloads section, or here.26-May-2020
- There was still a restriction for increasing the possible number of legend lines from 30 to 80. The bug is fixed.
DISLIN upgrade 11.3.2 is available:
- The Smith chart in DISLIN can now plot impedance or admittance data. The type of the axis system is defined with the new options 'IMPEDANCE' and 'ADMITTANCE' in the routine AXSTYP. The default value is 'IMPEDANCE'. Thanks to Dr. Scott Best for the suggestion.
- Two more predefined legend positions are added to the routine LEGEND. Left and right positions on the page centered vertically are also available.
- The limit for possible legend lines is increased from 30 to 80.
- The DISLIN utilities were revised.
DISLIN upgrade 11.3.1 is available:
- The limitation for the number of data points for spline and parametric spline interpolation is removed. Space for working arrays is now allocated as much as needed.
- The keyword 'CURVE' is added to the interpolation methods in the routine POLCRV for connecting two data points in a Smith chart with a curved line.
- The new routine YPOLAR plots secondary polar axes for Smith and polar axis systems.
- A bug in the conversion routine GETICO is fixed.
- Negative distances between axis ticks, labels and names defined by the routines LABDIS and NAMDIS were ignored by GRAF and GRAFMP. This behavior is corrected.
- The C++ library in the DISLIN distribution for Linux ARM systems has produced link errors. The problem is solved.
Support for the programming language Go
- New DISLIN distributions for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit are added for using DISLIN from the programming language Go. The distributions contain Go bindings and the double precision gcc/MinGw library of DISLIN. A version of the gcc/MinGw compiler is necessary for linking Go code with DISLIN. For example: tdm-gcc.
- Go bindings are also included in the Linux distributions of DISLIN for 32- and 64-bit.
- A PDF manual with the description of the Go bindings and example code is available here.
DISLIN version 11.3 is released:
- The DISLIN license has changed. DISLIN can now be used freely without any limitations, either as a private person, or in a commercial or non-commercial environment. The access to the source code is still restricted and available via a support contract.
- The zlib compression routines in DISLIN are updated to version 1.2.11.
- Kosovo and Montenegro are added to SHDEUR for plotting European countries.
- Two reported bugs for SENDOK and VLTFIL are corrected.
DISLIN upgrade 11.2.1 is released:
- Cubes plotted by the routines CURV3D and CURV4D can now have a different size in the X-, Y- and Z-directions. The size can be defined with the routines SETRES3D and AUTRES3D. A better clipping algorithm is implemented for cube symbols.
- A reported bug in the Fortran wrapper routine for QPLSCL is fixed.
- There was a crash in a GRFINI/GRFFIN environment for the routines CRVMAT and CURVE3 if a user has not defined solid shading before. The problem is solved.
DISLIN version 11.2 is released with the following changes since 11.1:
- SWGCB2 supports now callbacks for main widgets. The callback routine is invoked when the size of a main widget is changed (11.2).
- New DISLIN distibutions are available for the NAG Fortran compiler version 6.2 on Windows (32- and 64-bit) (11.2).
- Silverfrost Fortran version 8.30 is now supported for 64-bit programming on Windows (11.2).
- Python 3.7 is supported by the DISLIN distributions for Windows 32- and 64-bit (11.2).
- The new routine GRAFR plots a two-dimensional axis system for a Smith chart, where the non negative impedance or admittance plane is projected to a complex reflexion coefficient plane (11.1.3).
- GRIDRE plots a grid line in a Smith chart, where the real parts of the impedance data are constant (11.1.3).
- GRIDIM plots a grid line in a Smith chart, where the imaginary parts of the impedance data are constant (11.1.3).
- The routine GETRCO converts a complex impedance value to a reflexion factor (11.1.3).
- GETICO is the reverse routine to GETRCO and converts a complex reflexion factor to an impedance (11.1.3).
- The option ('HORI', 'POLAR') is added to LABTYP for allowing true horizontal labels on polar and Smith charts (11.1.3).
- GAPSIZ is extended with the 'Z' option for enabling gaps in 3D curves (11.1.3).
- The new routine CSRPOL returns an array of mouse positions, where help lines are plotted between the points (11.1.2).
- GRFIMG is a new routine that includes a PNG, BMP, TIFF of GIF image into a 3-D plane defined by GRFINI (11.1.2).
- Arrows are added to scale widgets created by WGSCL for X11, so that scale widgets should have the same behavior on X11 and Windows systems (11.1.2).
New symbols are added to the list of TeX symbols (11.1.1):
\leqslant \geqslant \nless \ngtr \nleq \ngeq \nleqslant \ngeqslant \prec \succ \nprec \nsucc \preceq \succeq \npreceq \nsucceq \ll \gg \lll \ggg \nsubseteq \nsupseteq \sqsubset \sqsupset \sqsubseteq \sqsupseteq \doteq \simeq \propto \angle \measuredangle \circ \sphericalangle
- The TeX instructions \hat{arg}, \tilde{arg} and \dot{arg} plot a circumflex, a tilde and a dot above arg (11.1.1).
- A problem with plotting in black foreground conlor on a white background in transparency mode is corrected. The bug appeared when the white background was plotted directly instead of using scrmod ('reverse'). Thanks to Te-Pu Chiang for the hint.
- Yioryhos Kriempardis has reported that RLCIRC was plotted in polar plots with a wrong radius. The same for RLPIE. The bug is fixed.
- A memory overflow in DWGFIL after the option SWGOPT ('USER', 'MASK') is fixed. The bug concerns only DISLIN distributions for Windows (11.1.2).
Python version 3.7 is supported by the DISLIN distributions for Python and Windows.
The following small reported bugs are corrected:
- There was a problem with plotting in black foreground conlor on a white background in transparency mode, when the white background was plotted directly instead of using scrmod ('reverse'). Thanks to Te-Pu Chiang for the hint.
- Yioryhos Kriempardis has reported that RLCIRC was plotted in polar plots with a wrong radius. The same for RLPIE. The bug is fixed.
- An old version of disdlnc.dll was distributed in the Windows distributions from 8-November-2018. Thanks to Ahron Fegelman for the hint.
DISLIN upgrade 11.1.3 is available with the follwoing changes:
- The new routine GRAFR plots a two-dimensional axis system for a Smith chart, where the non negative impedance or admittance plane is projected to a complex reflexion coefficient plane.
- GRIDRE plots a grid line in a Smith chart, where the real parts of the impedance data are constant.
- GRIDIM plots a grid line in a Smith chart, where the imaginary parts of the impedance data are constant.
- The routine GETRCO converts a complex impedance value to a reflexion factor.
- GETICO is the reverse routine to GETRCO and converts a complex reflexion factor to an impedance.
- The option ('HORI', 'POLAR') is added to LABTYP for allowing true horizontal labels on polar and Smith charts.
- GAPSIZ is extended with the 'Z' option for enabling gaps in 3D curves.
- A reported bug in transparency for special back- and forground colours is corrected.
- The DISLIN utilities were broken on 64-bit Windows systems and are recompiled with a different compiler.
DISLIN is upgraded to version 11.1.2 with the following changes:
- The new routine CSRPOL returns an array of mouse positions, where help lines are plotted between the points.
- GRFIMG is a new routine that includes a PNG, BMP, TIFF of GIF image into a 3-D plane defined by GRFINI.
- Arrows are added to scale widgets created by WGSCL for X11, so that scale widgets should have the same behavior on X11 and Windows systems.
- A memory overflow in DWGFIL after the option SWGOPT ('USER', 'MASK') is fixed. The bug concerns only DISLIN distributions for Windows.
A new DISLIN distribution for FreeBASIC 64-bit on Windows systems is available in the file
Python version 3.6 is now supported by the DISLIN disributions for Python on Windows 32- and 64-bit.
The DISLIN upgrade 11.1.1 is available with the following changes:
New symbols are added to the list of TeX symbols:
\leqslant \geqslant \nless \ngtr \nleq \ngeq \nleqslant \ngeqslant \prec \succ \nprec \nsucc \preceq \succeq \npreceq \nsucceq \ll \gg \lll \ggg \nsubseteq \nsupseteq \sqsubset \sqsupset \sqsubseteq \sqsupseteq \doteq \simeq \propto \angle \measuredangle \circ \sphericalangle
- The TeX instructions \hat{arg}, \tilde{arg} and \dot{arg} plot a circumflex, a tilde and a dot above arg.
- The Python3 module is renamed from to in the Linux distributions, so that it can be found by newer Python3 versions.
The DISLIN version 11.1 is released with the following new features and bug fixes:
- CONTUR2 is a new routine for plotting contours on curvilinear grids.
- CONSHD2 plots filled contours on curvilinear grids.
- The routine LINFIT plots or calculates a straight line that has the best fit to a series of data points.
- The mathematical symbol 'approx' is added to the LaTeX symbols.
- The GCL wrapper routine NANCRV has called a wrong DISLIN routine. Thanks to Jens Bischoff for the hint.
- A transparency bug in the routine TPRINI is fixed. Thanks to Vladimir Rashchikov for the report.
- A clipping bug for bitmap fonts in image formats such as PNG is fixed. The bug was reported by Mark Sinclair.
- A memory leak was removed that appeared when the output format was 'PNG'.
- The routine DELGLB was missing in the C++ libraries of DISLIN. Thanks to Bruce Boffin for the last two bug reports.
- A bug in the positioning of labels on the color bar plotted by ADDLAB is fixed. The labels were plotted on a wrong position when the default position of the color bar was changed with the options POSBAR or JUSBAR. Thanks to Ivan Sunker for the hint.
A few bug fixes were applied to the Windows and Linux distributions of DISLIN:
- A reported bug in the Fortran wrapper routine for SURISO is corrected. The bug could cause an access violation or a corrupted isosurface, when unequal dimensions were passed to SURISO. Thanks to Dr. Tian Lu for the hint.
- Diagonal lines were plotted with a wrong direction in image files if the option LINMOD ('ON', 'SMOOTH') was used before. Thanks to Thomas Bank Lauridsen for the report.
- The utility gclhlp could not find it's online help files on Linux. Thanks to Jens Bischoff for the hint.
A new printed manual of DISLIN describing the current version 11 is available from the author, or from the publisher.
The Data Plotting Software DISLIN - Version 11by Helmut Michels (Author)
: 353 pages
- the author. (free shipping: Germany, shipping costs: Europe 5,00 Euro, World 7,00 Euro)
- Shaker Media GmbH
17. January 2025
Support for Python 3.13 and Windows
17. January 2025
Updated PDF manual of the DISLIN book
8. January 2025
Upgrade 11.5.2
8. April 2024
Support for Python 3.11 and Windows
28. July 2023
Bug fix for the X11 distributions
22. July 2023
Upgrade 11.5.1
25. April 2023
Support for Linux 64-bit on IBM z series
30. October 2022
Support for MingW 64-bit UCRT runtime environment
28. September 2022
Release 11.5
15. March 2022
DISLIN Book Version 11 is available
8. March 2017