Appendix A: Intrinsic Functions

This appendix is a summary of the DISGCL intrinsic functions.

A.1 Mathematical Functions

 |  Function  |                  Meaning                   |
 |  ABS (x)   |  absolute value |x|.                       |
 |            |                                            |
 |  ACOS (x)  |  cos(x)^-1 in the range [0, pi],           |
 |            |                             -1 <= x <= 1.  |
 |  ASIN (x)  |  sin(x)^-1 in the range [0, pi],           |
 |            |                             -1 <= x <= 1.  |
 |  ATAN (x)  |  tan(x)^-1 in the range [-pi/2, pi/2].     |
 |            |                                            |
 |  ATAN2(y,x)|  tan(y/x)^-1 in the range [-pi, pi].       |
 |            |                                            |
 |  CEIL (x)  |  smallest integer not less than x, as a    |
 |            |  double.                                   |
 |  COS (x)   |  cosine of x.                              |
 |            |                                            |
 |  COSH (x)  |  hyperbolic cosine of x.                   |
 |            |                                            |
 |  EXP (x)   |  exponential function e^x                  |
 |            |                                            |
 |  FLOOR (x) |  largest integer not greater than x, as a  |
 |            |  double.                                   |
 |  FMOD(x,y) |  floating point remainder o fx/y, with the |
 |            |  sign as x. FMOD returns zero if y is zero.|
 |  LOG (x)   |  natural logarithm ln(x), x > 0.           |
 |            |                                            |
 |  LOG10 (x) |  base 10 logarithm, x > 0.                 |
 |            |                                            |
 |  SIN (x)   |  sine of x.                                |
 |            |                                            |
 |  SINH (x)  |  hyperbolic sine of x.                     |
 |            |                                            |
 |  SQRT (x)  |  square root of x, x >= 0.                 |
 |            |                                            |
 |  TAN (x)   |  tangent of x.                             |
 |            |                                            |
 |  TANH (x)  |  hyperbolic tangent of x.                  |
 |            |                                            |
              Figure A.1: Mathematical Functions
Additional note:

A.2 Type Conversion Functions

 |  Function     |                  Meaning                   |
 | ATONUM (s)    | converts a string to a number.             |
 |               |                                            |
 | BYTE (x)      | converts x to BYTE.                        |
 |               |                                            |
 | CHAR (n)      | converts x to CHAR.                        |
 |               |                                            |
 | COMPLEX (x,y) | converts to COMPLEX. x is converted to the |
 |               | real, y is converted to the imaginary part.|
 | DOUBLE (x)    | converts x to DOUBLE.                      |
 |               |                                            |
 | FLOAT (x)     | converts x to FLOAT. If x is a complex     |
 |               | number, FLOAT returns the real part of x.  |
 | INT (x)       | converts x to INT.                         |
 |               |                                            |
 | NUMTOA (x,    | converts a number to a string where ndig   |
 |         ndig) | is the number of decimal places after the  |
 |               | decimal point.                             |
 | SHORT (x)     | converts x to SHORT.                       |
 |               |                                            |
 | STRING (x)    | converts x to STRING.                      |
 |               |                                            |
            Figure A.2: Type Conversion Functions

A.3 Complex Functions

 |  Function  |                  Meaning                   |
 |  ARG (z)   |  returns the phase of z in radians.        |
 |            |                                            |
 |  CONJG (z) |  returns the conjugate of the complex      |
 |            |  value z.                                  |
 |  IMAG (z)  |  returns the imaginary part of z.          |
 |            |                                            |
            Figure A.3: Complex Functions

A.4 Array Functions

 |  Function       |               Meaning                 |
 | CATARR (a, b)   | concatenates two arrays.              |
 |                 |                                       |
 | MAXARR (a)      | returns the maximum of an array a.    |
 |                 |                                       |
 | MINARR (a)      | returns the minimum of an array a.    |
 |                 |                                       |
 | SUBARR (a, i1,  | creates a subarry from the array a.   | 
 |             n)  | i1 is the first index, n the number   |
 |                 | of elements of a.                     |  
 | SUBMAT (a, idx) | creates a submatrix from certain col- |
 |                 | umns of the two-dimensional array a.  |
 |                 | idx is an integer array containing    |
 |                 | column numbers in the range 0 to n-1  |
 |                 | where n is the number of columns in a.|
 | TRPMAT (a)      | exchanges rows and columns of a       |
 |                 | matrix a.                             |
               Figure A.4: Array Functions

A.5 Variable and Parameter Functions

 |  Function  |                  Meaning                   |
 | ARGCNT ()  | returns the total number of parameters     |
 |            | passed to a user-defined subroutine or     |
 |            | function.                                  |
 | KEYCNT ()  | returns the number of keyword parameters   |
 |            | passed to a user-defined subroutine or     |
 |            | function.                                  |
 | VARCNT (v) | returns the number of elements of a vari-  |
 |            | able v, or -1 if v is not defined.         |
 | VARDEF (v) | returns 1 if the variable v is defined,    |
 |            | and 0 if v is not defined.                 |
 | VARDIM (v, | returns the n-th dimension of a variable v.|
 |         n) | If the dimension is not defined, VARDIM    |
 |            | returns zero.                              |
 | VARTYP (v) | returns the data type of the variable v,   |
 |            | or the string 'UNDEF' if v is not defined. |
 |            | The returned type can have the value       |
 |            | 'BYTE', 'INT', 'FLOAT' or 'DOUBLE'.        |
          Figure A.5: Variable and Parameter Functions

A.6 Data File Functions

 |  Function       |              Meaning                  |
 | DATBLK (n)      | defines the current data block. It    |
 |                 | returnes -1 if the data block n is    |
 |                 | not defined.                          |
 | DATCNT (copt)   | returns the number of data in the     |
 |                 | current data block. copt can have the |
 |                 | values 'ROWS', 'COLUMNS', 'FULL' and  |
 |                 | 'BLOCKS'.                             |
 | DATFIL (s)      | defines the data file. It returns -1  |
 |                 | if it fails.                          |
 | DATHDR ()       | prints the header of the current data |
 |                 | file on the screen. DATHDR returns -1 |
 |                 | if it fails.                          |
 | DATMAT ()       | returns an array containing the whole |
 |                 | current data block.                   |
 | DATRAY (ncolumn)| returns an array containing a column  |
 |                 | of the current data block.            |
 | DATVAR (cname)  | returns the value of a variable de-   |
 |                 | fined in the header of a data file.   |
              Figure A.6: Data File Functions

A.7 Memory Allocating Functions

 |  Function  |                  Meaning                   |
 | DALLOC (n) | creates a double array and initializes     |
 |            | it with {0., 1., ....., n-1.}.             |
 | FALLOC (n) | creates a floating point array and initi-  |
 |            | alizes it with {0., 1., ....., n-1.}.      |
 | IALLOC (n) | creates an integer array and initializes   |
 |            | it with {0, 1, ....., n-1}.                |
          Figure A.7: Memory Allocating Functions

A.8 String Functions

 |  Function    |                  Meaning                   |
 | STRLEN (s)   | returns the length of a string.            |
 |              |                                            |
 | STRLWR (s)   | returns a string converted to lowercase    |
 |              | letters.                                   | 
 | STRREP (s, n)| retuns n copies of the string s.           |
 |              |                                            |
 | STRSTR       | returns the first occurrence of string s2  |
 |     (s1, s2) | in string s1, or -1 if not present.        |
 | STRUPR (s)   | returns a string converted to uppercase    |
 |              | letters.                                   |
 | SUBSTR (s,   | returns a substring of s where i1 is the   |
 |       i1, n) | starting index and n the number of charac- |
 |              | ters of s.                                 |
 | TRMLEN (s)   | returns the length of a string without     | 
 |              | trailing blanks.                           |
               Figure A.8: String Functions

A.9 File Functions

 |  Function      |                  Meaning                |
 | FCLOSE (nu)    | close the file with the unit nu.        |
 |                | It returns -1 on error.                 |
 | FFLUSH (nu)    | flushes any output buffers.             |
 |                |                                         |
 | FOPEN (cfil,   | opens a file and returns a file unit,   |
 |         cmode) | or -1 if the open fails.                |
 | FSEEK (nu,     | sets the current file position.         |
 |         npos)  | It returns -1 on error.                 |
 | FTELL (nu)     | returns the current file position,      |
 |                | or -1 on error.                         |
 | REMOVE (cfil)  | deletes a file. It returns -1 if the    |
 |                | attempt fails.                          |
 | RENAME (cold,  | changes the name of a file. It returns  |
 |          cnew) | -1 if the attempt fails.                |
 | REWIND (nu)    | rewinds the file with the unit nu.      |
 |                | It returns -1 if any erros occurred.    |
               Figure A.9: File Functions

A.10 Input and Output Functions

 |  Function      |                  Meaning                   |
 | FGETC (nu)     | returns the next character from a file.    |
 |                | FGETC  returns -1 if end of file or error  |
 |                | occurs.                                    |
 | FGETS (cbuf,   | reads at most n-1 characters into the ar-  |
 |         n, nu) | ray cbuf, stopping if a newline is encoun- |
 |                | tered; The newline is not included in the  |
 |                | array. FGETS returns -1 if end of file or  |
 |                | error occurs.                              |
 | FPRINTF (nu,   | writes formatted output to a file connec-  |
 |      s, vlist) | ted to the unit nu.                        |
 | FPUTC (i, nu)  | writes the character with the ASCII value  |
 |                | i to a file. FPUTC returns 0 if success-   |
 |                | full or -1 if an error occurs.             |
 | FPUTS (cbuf,   | writes the string cbuf to a file.          |
 |            nu) | A newline is included in the file after    |
 |                | cbuf. FPUTS returns -1 if an error occurs. |
 | FREAD (a, n,   | reads from a file n elements into the ar-  |
 |            nu) | ray a. FREAD returns the number of ele-    |
 |                | ments read, or -1 if an error occurs.      |
 | FSCANF (nu, s, | reads formatted input from a file connec-  |
 |         vlist) | ted to the unit nu.                        |
 ------------------------------------------- -------------------
 | FWRITE (a, n,  | writes from the array a n elements to the  |
 |            nu) | file with the unit nu. FWRITE returns the  |
 |                | number of elements written, or -1 if an    |
 |                | error occurs.                              |
 | GETS (cbuf, n) | reads at most n-1 characters from the con- |
 |                | sole into the array cbuf, stopping if a    |
 |                | return is given.                           | 
 |                | GETS returns -1 if an error occurs.        |
 | PUTS (cbuf)    | prints the string cbuf on the screen.      |
 |                | A newline is printed after the string.     |
 |                | PUTS returns -1 if an error occurs.        |
 | PRINTF (s ,    | writes formatted output to the terminal.   |
 |         vlist) |                                            |
 | SCANF (s,      | reads formatted input from the console.    |
 |         vlist) |                                            |
 | SPRINTF (cr,   | writes formatted output to a character     |
 |      s, vlist) | array.                                     |
 | SSCANF (s1,    | reads formatted input from a string.       |
 |     s2, vlist) |                                            |
               Figure A.10: Input/Output Functions

A.11 System Functions

 |  Function     |               Meaning                   |
 | GETENV (cenv) | returns the environment string associa- |
 |               | ted with cenv, or blank if no string    |
 |               | exists.                                 |
 | SYSTEM (cmd)  | executes the system command cmd where   |
 |               | cmd is a character variable. SYSTEM     |
 |               | returns -1 if it fails.                 |
               Figure A.11: System Functions

A.12 Time Functions

 |  Function |                Meaning                      |
 | CLOCK ()  | returns the processor time in seconds used  |
 |           | by the GCL session since the last call of   |
 |           | CLOCK. At the first time, CLOCK returns 0.  |
 | DATE  ()  | returns a string containing the date in the |
 |           | format                             |
 | TIME  ()  | returns a string containing the time in the |
 |           | format hh:mm:ss.                            |
                 Figure A.12: Time Functions

A.13 Random Number Functions

 |  Function |                Meaning                      |
 | RAND ()   | returns a random number in the range from 0 |
 |           | to 1.                                       |
 | SRAND     | sets the seed for rand. It resets the ran-  |
 |   (iseed) | dom-number generator to a random starting   |
 |           | point. The generator is initially seeded    |
 |           | with a value of 1.                          |
                 Figure A.13: Random Number Functions

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